Religious Education Registration
As we continue strive to provide the sacraments of initiation in the midst of the present pandemic, Holy Family will continue with a family model for purposes of religious education and sacramental preparation.
What this looks like in practical terms for the upcoming 2021 - 2022 academic year:
Topics will be covered both in-person and at home
In-person sessions will be in the Church with children and parents in attendance beginning on Sunday, September 19, 2021
In-person sessions will be Sundays from approximately 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. (in-between the 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday Masses); the course calendar will be posted on the Church bulletin boards and distributed to families as soon as available
Home lessons & and activities will be distributed throughout the year for children and families
Signups for R.E. and sacramental preparation at Holy Family (for persons ages 7+) is conducted online via the form linked above, which will be available until and through September 19, 2021.
While subject to change, those persons hoping to receive any or all of the sacraments of initiation in the Easter season of 2021 should keep the following dates in mind:
Saturday, April 16, 2022, time TBD (Easter Vigil): Baptisms, Confirmations, and First Holy Communions (all three sacraments) for unbaptized converts to Catholicism (ages 7+) will occur at this celebration. Full reception into the Catholic Church by non-Catholic Christian converts will also happen at this celebration.
[Tentative] Sunday, May 1, 2022 or May 15, 2022, time TBD: Confirmations and First Holy Communions for Catholics will be at this celebration.
(last updated Thursday, August 5, 2022; this page will be updated as further information is made available)