First things:
1) Bishop Silva's latest memo can be found: [HERE]
2) Please watch these Public Mass Announcements from [Bishop Silva], [Fr. Resinto], and [Fr. Pascual] (click their name for their respective encouragement)
3) The dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is extended through June 30, 2020 to allow those who are not comfortable attending Mass at this time to stay away with a clear conscience.
Regarding Masses at Holy Family, here's the latest word on where things stand for now:
1) The 8 a.m. daily Masses have resumed as of Monday, May 25, 2020
2) Weekend Masses will resume this Pentecost weekend (May 30/31), beginning with the 5 p.m. Saturday Evening Mass (Sunday Vigil)
3) The approximate capacity of the Church under social distancing protocols is 100 persons; because there will be variations in spacing due to household sizes, ushers will have discretion of seating persons beyond the 80 number, so long as the recommended 6' separation between households is respected at all times
4) Masks must be worn by all participants at all times except at the time of receiving Holy Communion
5) Those who are ill, who are showing symptoms of illness, or who have health conditions prohibiting them from wearing a mask in public are kindly asked to refrain from participating in the public Mass until their health recovers
6) The 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass will be replaced with an 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Sunday Masses; the 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday Masses will continue at those regular times
7) Tickets will be available for reserved seating (the center area of the Church) for the Sunday morning Masses (8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Masses)
8) The 5 p.m. Saturday and 7 p.m. Sunday Masses will be for walk-ins only until the 100 person capacity is reached
9) Tickets are available online at:
10) Tickets will only be released for the upcoming weekend, one week at a time (no “season tickets” will be issued); tickets will be available beginning the Wednesday before the weekend at 9 a.m.
11) Only 40 tickets will be issued for reserved seating; the remaining 30 will be for walk-ins (walk-ins are directed to sit in the peripheral sections)
12) Five minutes prior to each Mass start, any unclaimed seats in the reserved section will be open to "walk-ins" until capacity is reached
13) Other liturgical notes: there will be no processions before, after, or during the Mass; no physical contact during the Our Father; the congregational sign of peace will be omitted (the celebrant will still exchange peace with the congregation); Holy Communion will be distributed under one species (the Eucharist); the communicant may opt to receive communion in the hand or on the tongue; all ministers of Holy Communion, including clergy, will sanitize their hands immediately before and after distributing Holy Communion
14) If you or a loved one was originally scheduled to receive any of the Sacraments of Initiation this Pentecost (May 30/31, 2020), please read this [POST] and fill out the link in the green banner if you or your loved one still require one of these sacraments.
Final note: this is how we’ll try it this weekend to establish some sort of baseline practice, and we’ll adjust as needed based on our experiences in the weeks and months to come. I’ll update the website as much as possible to reflect the current reality of Mass offerings and any other relevant news.
Again, this is just to establish a starting point beginning this weekend. We’re certain to adapt and adjust our schedules and actions after gaining more insight into the logistical reality of socially distanced Mass offerings. Please be patient and understanding in the weeks and months to come. This will be a learning process.
