(The latest memo from the Office of Worship can be found: [HERE] but is also copied below for your convenience).
To: Clergy, Parishes and Catholic Faithful
From: Most Reverend Larry Silva, Bishop of Honolulu
Date: August 26, 2020
Subject: Addendum to General Directives and Liturgical Guidelines due to the new City and County of Honolulu “Second Stay at Home/Work from Home” Order 2020-25 for the island of Oahu (ONLY).
Peace be with you!
As you know, Mayor Kirk Caldwell of the City and County of Honolulu, is concerned – as we all are – about the spike in COVID-19 cases on Oahu, and he has issued new restrictive orders that go into effect on Thursday, August 27 at 12:01 a.m. Houses of worship may still hold in-person services, and we are grateful we are still able to celebrate the Eucharist together. However, given the increased risks, it is all the more important that we follow the directives below. No one is obliged to attend Mass at this time, so if you feel strongly that we should not have in-person worship, you are encouraged to stay home and join us on live-stream.
This is a difficult time for everyone, and not everyone agrees on the way we should go. But let us all remember to trust in the Lord and to pray to the Lord for an end to this pandemic. May the Lord bless and protect you all!
+ Bishop Larry Silva
The following directives will remain in effect until further notice:
- Oahu parish churches, chapels, oratories, centers, and missions will continue offering in person services (i.e. Daily and Sunday Mass, Funeral Masses, Weddings, Baptisms, Confirmation/first Holy Communion Masses) and other spiritual services following the prior published directives and guidelines from the City and County, CDC and diocese.
- The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be dispensed through October 31, 2020.
- We encourage parish priests to start/continue live-stream their liturgies to their parishioners via social media platforms and to communicate to them the times of these services and log-in information for their parish’s Facebook and/or website. Daily and
Sunday Mass are currently being livestreamed from various parishes in our diocese. For a comprehensive and updated list please visit our website at www.catholichawaii.org.
- The following directives from the latest MEMO (“Act Now Honolulu – No Social Gathering Order” [COVID-19] dated August 19, 2020) will continue in effect.
- Face coverings (masks or mask/face shields) will be worn at ALL times by all who participate at the Mass during the liturgical celebration. For those ministers with respiratory issue it is highly suggested the use of a face shield instead of a face mask.
- Singing during the celebration of the Mass is to be suspended. The use of wind instruments is also prohibited. Musicians may consider playing instrumental music, using a piano and/or church organ, during the entrance gathering, offertory, at the communion rite and recessional.
- The Responsorial Psalm and all the Mass parts (i.e. Kyrie, Gloria, Collect, Gospel Acclamation, Prefaces, Eucharistic Prayer, the Lord’s Prayer and other prayers) are to be recited. Either the priest or the lector should also recite the Entrance Antiphon and the Communion Antiphon found in the Roman Missal.
- Priests are reminded that they can still hear confessions by appointment only. Please observe good spacing between the penitent and priest, while at the same time observing absolute privacy for the penitent. Confessions by phone or via the internet are not permitted. General absolution is not permitted, because it presumes a gathering of people.
- The Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum will only be administered, if possible, in situations where there is the danger of death.
- The Homebound ministry (i.e. taking Holy Communion to people’s homes, hospitals and/or nursing homes) is suspended during the duration of this order and/or until further notice.
- Wakes, prayer services and burials at Funeral Homes and cemeteries are to follow the proper restrictions indicated in the order.
- All face-to-face meetings are suspended; including but not limited to any church ministry, community, and staff meetings in any church facilities.
Please feel free to contact Deacon Modesto Cordero at the Office of Worship, 808-585-3342 or email at mcordero@rcchawaii.org should you have any questions.
